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About CEFR
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. The CEFR has become the common standard for defining language proficiency levels and interpreting language qualifications not just in Europe, but worldwide. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. We at CIA provide this service to all our students and make them get their desired IELTS band at one sitting.
Since the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is for language assessment, which has 10 skills that are tested in the IELTS exam, at the end of the programme you will be eventually capable to gain professional-level fluency. When you are following IELTS with CEFR instead of just following a spoken English course you can achieve both speaking fluency and an international qualification. In our programme we target to covers;
Communicative skills (4)
– Listening
– Reading
– Writing
– Speaking
Enabling skills (6)
– Grammar
– Vocabulary
– Spelling
– Pronunciation
– Written Discourse
– Oral Fluency
For the very first time in the Sri Lankan history, we have found that learning English is not only improving spoken skills which all the others try. Whereas, to be a perfect English user, one should improve both communicative and enabling skills. Thus, we guide you to improve the both skills, and to win all the barriers that you have in English.
Thus, our CEFR based IELTS training is always the best program to achieve your target score as students who get the training and the recommendation of our lecturers before deciding an exam date, get through the exam in the first sitting with their desired band scores or by taking scores which are more than required.
Communicative skills (4)
– Listening
– Reading
– Writing
– Speaking
Enabling skills (6)
– Grammar
– Vocabulary
– Spelling
– Pronunciation
– Written Discourse
– Oral Fluency