20,000 IELTS Student Success Stories & Counting
15,000 IELTS Exams Delivered in an ISO Certified Exam Centre
Results Driven IELTS with Unlimited Training
Money-Back Guranteed IELTS, 1st time in Sri Lanka
Money Back Guranteed Series (MBG)
This course is designed with special coverage with a money back assurance on achieving the desired score. This course targets students of any English background (basic, intermediate, advance) who want to achieve the score. Our panel of lectures (Senior IELTS lecturer, Grammar lecturer, Paper maker & Speaking lecturer) will identify weaknesses and develop the candidate up to their desired level by providing unlimited training.

Register for IELTS Course
DATE (Class Availability)
Weekends & Weekdays
Morning – 9.30 am – 1.30 pm (Everyday) Afternoon – 2.30 pm – 5 pm (Everyday) Night – 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm (Tuesdays & Thursdays only)
CIA, Kalubowila
Academic and General students are separately taught
Classroom and online
IELTS tools, strategies, tips & techniques, PRE-IELTS test, English Grammar, Paper marking, IELTS library facilities, Mock tests, IELTS examiner sessions, WHITE HOUSE IELTS training program, Resource room facilities, Vocabulary enhancement, CEFR development, One to one speaking training, Individual and Group training & attention, Special attention for weak students, Availability of extra classes
IELTS Workbook, Grammar work book, CD, papers, supplementary tutorials and self-study materials TEACHING – Academic and General students are separately taught