20,000 IELTS Student Success Stories & Counting
15,000 IELTS Exams Delivered in an ISO Certified Exam Centre
Results Driven IELTS with Unlimited Training
Money-Back Guranteed IELTS, 1st time in Sri Lanka
Online IELTS Course
CIA expands its services beyond the borders by providing local and worldwide access to help students participate for classes regardless of distance, employment time and other obstacles. Further, CIA Online IELTS course is designed with a superior standards to provide a comprehensive virtual learning experience with using the highest level of technology and educational infrastructure with high definition multi touch, flat panel digital smart board and crystal clear visual effects and uninterrupted audibility.

Register for IELTS Course
30 Hours / 60 Hours / Unlimited
DATE (Class Availability)
Weekends & Weekdays
Morning – 9.30 am – 1.30 pm (Everyday) Afternoon – 2.30 pm – 5 pm (Everyday) Night – 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm (Tuesdays & Thursdays only)
CIA, Kalubowila
Academic and General students are separately taught
Live IELTS training (IELTS tools, strategies, tips & techniques), Live GRAMMAR training, Live MOCK tests, PRE-IELTS test, E IELTS library, Paper marking, One to one feedback sessions and more.
E learning materials (IELTS Workbook, Grammar work book, papers, supplementary tutorials and self-study materials)